Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Incredible Shrinking Problems!

The kids started back to school this week - Cyd in high school, and the twins in junior high. It has been kind of hectic, to say the least, as we have reviewed, read, and/or signed lists of school supplies, class disclosures, permission slips, bus schedules, and so on. Cyd has had a hard time trying to decide which pictures to take to show her teachers. Bretten has had to figure out how to get her violin to third period out in the armory, after her second period Spanish class that is upstairs and clear on the other side of the building, since she doesn't have time to visit her locker in between. And Mychael has had to figure out how to see the board in her algebra class, since she is so tiny and, thanks to the teacher's seating chart, has ended up sitting behind a much-bigger eighth grader (one with an afro, no less).

As I talked with each girl over the past few days about these "problems," I found myself thinking about my own days in junior high and high school. Remember when your biggest problem was finding something "cool" to wear? Or whether that cute boy in 4th period would actually talk to you today or not? Back then, it was the absolute end of the world if your best jeans were in the laundry, or if Cute Boy didn't even look at you that day! I compare those problems to the ones I have on my plate today - things like, "When will this @#$! divorce ever be final?" "Will I ever find someone I trust enough and care about sufficiently, to marry again?" "And if I do, what if, 20 years from now, he turns out to be as big of a jerk as the first one?" "Will my house ever sell?" "How am I going to get all the crap and clutter out of my house in time for my yard sale?" "How am I going to get the kids through this first holiday season without their dad?"

Those kinds of "heavier" concerns made it especially nice to set them aside for a little bit, and concentrate on possible solutions for my girls' issues. Those school-girl issues seem so light in comparison!! However, in the process, I also realized that 20-25 years from now, my girls will look at the problems of choosing pictures, getting classroom materials to the right place at the right time, and seeing around large afros as being relatively minor problems, too. On the one hand, that's kind of sad because one of the reasons those formerly major issues become minor, is because you now have larger issues to compare them to! However, I also think the human brain is designed to forget trauma. Otherwise, who would ever be pregnant more than once, or get back on a bicycle after a particularly nasty fall, or make peace with someone after an argument?

Whatever the reason for big issues shrinking with the passage of time, I can only hope that it will eventually apply to my current problems, too - I want to look back at them and realize that they really weren't as big as I think they are now. It just better not take 20-25 more years for that to happen - I am not that patient!


Krystal said...

I love this post! It's pretty crazy how something can seem so huge at a certain time in life, but then when we look back it doesn't seem quite so bad. Time is certainly an amazing thing... it heals wounds, puts things into perspective, helps ease grudges, etc. I can remember when I was a teenager and had had a really rough day and was crying about it to my Dad. His advice was to go to bed because I would feel better in the morning. Since I'm typically the kind of person that wants to resolve issues NOW, I didn't really like his advice. But, I was shocked when I woke up in the morning and miraculously felt a lot better. I'm sure that the sleep helped, but I know now that I just needed a little time. I really like the part where you say that the human brain is designed to forget trauma. Luckily, that's true or we'd never get out of bed again!

Dana said...

I LOVE your stories! You are such a great story teller/writer!

As I read through your posts, I'm trying to think of something to add to my boring blog, but nothing really comes to mind yet! I know there's been several things that Anabelle has said that's made me laugh so hard, but right now I can't think of any! Even Rob's told me some really funny stories that have made me laugh so hard, I could barely stand it, but for the life of me--I can't think of any!

Even if your stories happened 'a while ago' they're still fun to read about! You're an amazing lady--seems things SHOULD only get better from here, right!

Anonymous said...

I agree with the other two gals, your stories are great, old or new. It may take awhile, but you will heal. My life problems right now do not compare to yours, but oh how I wish my troubles were those of your girls! It is a shame that we can't appreciated those simple, care-free times while we are there.

Anonymous said...

I am anxiously waiting for your post on the snake incident. I love to read what you write, you are amazing. I hope this week is better for you. I will try to make it up everyday, for a least a little while each night. I hope when we get this behind you, some of the burdens and feelings of being so overwhelemed will go away. It is completely understandable why you feel that way though. We will get you through this...hang in there. Love you sweets.