If any of you are like me, sometimes you have both the time and the inclination to blog about something, but you haven’t the foggiest idea of what you should write about. Then, when you are too busy to do any updates, ideas come flying at you right and left!! But then, when you sit down to blog again, damned if you can remember any of those stories that seemed like such good ideas before!
I guess a potential solution to that problem would be to write notes to yourself. I am not a very good note-taker – I guess I just figure if I have time to write a note, I have time to do the whole shebang. But my mother is excellent at notes. She is the Note-Taking Queen. I bet Post-It could stay in business on her contributions alone. I can remember times back when I was still living at home when the entire front of the microwave was absolutely covered with “little yellow stickies” that said things like, “Milk!”, “Donna’s B-day!”, or “Call insurance!”
Which brings me to today’s topic. I bought this neat little thing at a craft fair awhile ago. It is a lidded jar, full of curled up slips of paper, and on each paper is a topic. The idea is that each day, you pull out a topic, and by the time the jar is empty, you’ve written your life’s story. On the one hand, it sort of feels conceited to write my life’s story – who am I to think I’m so special that someone else would want to read about me? But on the other hand, I think, “Wow! That would be SO COOL if I had my grandma’s life story, written in her own words!” So I decided to do this project, not so much for y’all, but for “future generations.” Assuming I don’t kill my children before they have a chance to grow up and create those future generations – it’s iffy on any given day!
Anyway, today’s topic is, “Did you and your mother share an interest in any special activity?” At first, my response was, “I don’t really think so!” I mean, it’s not like we have a hobby that we do together or anything. But then, the more I thought about it, the more I realized that family is our hobby. All of the activities that we do together and like the best, revolve around family. Whether it’s shopping for someone’s birthday, or celebrating the holidays, or catching up on how everyone is during a marathon phone call, family is the common denominator that links us together. And it seems like when you are doing things with and for the people you love, ANY activity is special.
So yeah, “Family” is the special activity my mother and I share. Because it sure as hell ain’t note-taking.
Someone call Johanna Gaines!
6 years ago
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