Monday, November 3, 2008

Blog Thievery

I am super busy at work this week, and so likely won't have time to do a "proper" blog post. However, I read a blog today that I thought was totally hillarious and worth sharing. If you have ever heard of Natalie Dee, she is kind of a sureal, off-the-wall, web-based comic artist who, in my opinion, is extremely funny. I won't pretend to "get" all of her stuff, but the things she draws and writes about her pug, Chester, are absolutely hillarious. As is 80% of the rest of the stuff she does. If you have ever seen Dana's shirt that has a cupcake plus a multivitamin on it, with the caption "Super Breakfast," or my cat-in-the-catbox shirt that says "Free Samples," those are Natalie Dee.

Anyway, Natalie just had a baby, a little girl. The baby was born prematurely, as Natalie had fairly severe pre-eclampsia. In addition, the baby was breach, so not only was Natalie on bed rest, she also had to stay in the hospital for longer than normal, have the baby via C-section, and take home a 4 lb. baby. All of you who have ever been on bed rest, had a C-section, had a preemie, or even just a lot of swelling and/or a really, really tiny baby, will recognize just how accurate (and yet, bitingly funny!) Natalie's portrayal of those experiences is. I am warning you in advance, though, that she swears. A lot. Try to overlook it, though - you don't want a little thing like freqent use of the f-bomb to keep you from enjoying such priceless observations.

So - here's the link: Go to the October 30th entry, and I challenge you not to laugh.



Kim said...

Well I read it. My emotions went up and down sometimes I felt like crying for her other times I was like you said laughing my head off. A little ways into it I started to think it sounded wierd if the sentence was missing the "f-bomb". Over all I liked her I think I will check up on her blog more often. I hope things are getting easier in your life let me know if you need anything. We need to plan a girls night we missed october. Anyway see you saturday, Love you!

Dana said...

I haven't checked out that blog yet, but will--that's right up my alley!! I did, however, want you to check out a blog that I found...I found it only because I wanted to see how many people voted for this moron!! Anyway, I think you'll get a good laugh, because of how idiotic he is! Rob and I sure did!

Krystal said...

Well, for the last week I have been trying to find time to get on and read this girls blog. I finally got the chance today and I must say that it was completely worth the read! Even though my experiences were fairly uneventful, I can completely feel for her. That has to be the crappiest thing ever.

P.S. Am I the only person in the world that doesn't mind hospital food? :)